I would like to say a massive thank you to the following people for their unwavered support to myself and my family throughout our sister's illness and at this moment in time. I have specifically chosen these people because of their total and unwavering support both day and night on a regular and constant basis. And for many, they too have had their own cross to bear, yet they still had enough love,support and were unselfish enough and put self aside in order to be there for us - and for this I am respectful.
Yet this group of individuals are not just wonderful supportive networks, who we can and have called on many times, and also who have been there for us unconditionally without request, they are a group of people who we now share something unique and powerful with.
We have become a united front, where love,honesty and unwavering support are unconditional commodities especially in a world where sometimes there are two dimensions and often with people what you see is not necessarily what you get.
There have been times when I have had no where to go and yet other than God there are two individuals more so who have been by my side all the way - Lubna and Coral - I salute you both for holding and bearing me up. These people have been at the end of the telephone line, day and night.
So in honour of these fantastic people, I would like to name and "shame" you all because I know that from this experience our relationships have changed to become more valuable and stronger. I certainly know that I have changed. I have had to hold up and balance many balls this year, stretching myself beyond what I thought capable, taking on challenges whilst always giving and caring and supporting others in the process and sometimes, all I have wanted was to have that same support given to me. I believe that without giving unconditionally, one cannot get back or receive their due and if I too had not been caring and giving to others unconditionally, I would not have received the suuport I have had.
These people have not only been contactable at the end of the telephone line both day and night, they have turned up when I have least expected it, they have sent special little cards and sometimes sentimental gifts. They have been our angels on earth.
My Best Friends: Lubna and Rehan ul-Haq, Claudette Shaw and Errol Sergeant, Shirley and Andrew Hunte, Lorraine Williams and Delroy Constantine-Simms, Auntie Coral.
Then there are another elite group of people Pat Carrington, Janice Carrington, Roz Griffiths, Lesley Watson,Mr P, Geraldine Reid, Syil Phoenix, Cousin Roberta Walker, Sarda and Sam, Maria Genco, Sandra Jones, Carol Jacobs. Claudette and Clifton Young-Davidson, Akua, Terry, Yvonne Gayle.
There are many other people whose concern has been touching and I thank you also, for your numerous well-wishes. Even from individuals we have never met, but who have been on this journey with us, through information in my newsletters.
Peeps, it's at times when things get tough that you realise who your real support networks are and the thing about unconditional love and support is that it doesn't matter what time of day or night you are needed, it doesn't matter what it is that is required, it doesn't matter how far on the other side of the world you may be - it's in the knowing that you will be there regardless.
Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I also say thank you to my children Cameron and Ashley. I have certainly changed inside, and I can feel a strength that is so powerful that I know that God will in his time provide that strength through someone else just for me. Until that time, I salute my friends and once again say THANK YOU.
01 December 2006
29 November 2006
Our Deepest Fear - Poem by Marianne Williamson

Dear All
Today life has taken me on a thoughtful journey. Perspectives, beliefs and values have had to be re-assessed. Goals changed and then set in motion. Understanding my purpose here on earth and in this life is important to evaluate. In terms of eternity, we are just a tear drop within the span of the ocean and with this realisation, therefore, we need to start believing in ourselves, search for our purpose and pursue it with passion and fervour. Life is very short. They say our graveyards are rich and why? because they are full of people who never had the chance to enjoy or pursue their dreams, so they have taken all those wonderful thoughts, ideas, talents and skills with them. Aim to begin to enjoy life and live each day as if it is your last. I would therefore, like to leave the following poem by Marianne Williamson with you which I think is beautiful so Enjoy
Our Deepest Fear
By Marianne Williamson
By Marianne Williamson
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness
That most frightens us.
We ask ourselves
Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small Does not serve the world.
Your playing small Does not serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking
So that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, As children do.
We were born to make manifest
The glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; It's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
And as we let our own light shine,
We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we're liberated from our own fear,
Note: This inspiring quote is taken from Marianne Williamson's book
A Return to Love. Though often quoted as part of Nelson Mandela's moving inaugural speech, "Our Deepest Fear" does not appear in the speech.
27 November 2006
So Many Souls Departed

So many departed
Torn away from us
Their souls
Taken into
Another place
Where only God
Can reach
Oh, so many souls, departed
And we, who are left behind
Grasp feebly at the tendrils of what is left
The memories of times past
Lingering thoughts
about what should have been
What could have been
Trying to entice life back
into an existence of their being
Oh, how feeble this attempt
For we must remember
That we are man and not God
Yet pain and sorrow
Often depletes sanity from the mind
Sometimes leaving
Insanity knocking
Fervently at our door
But be strong, oh thou
For strength is a power
that resides within more
than heart and soul
a determination of mind, body and spirit
an inner peace and belief in God
it’s our past, our present, our future
wrapped up in the belly of experience
So many souls departed
And may they all rest in peace
Torn away from us
Their souls
Taken into
Another place
Where only God
Can reach
Oh, so many souls, departed
And we, who are left behind
Grasp feebly at the tendrils of what is left
The memories of times past
Lingering thoughts
about what should have been
What could have been
Trying to entice life back
into an existence of their being
Oh, how feeble this attempt
For we must remember
That we are man and not God
Yet pain and sorrow
Often depletes sanity from the mind
Sometimes leaving
Insanity knocking
Fervently at our door
But be strong, oh thou
For strength is a power
that resides within more
than heart and soul
a determination of mind, body and spirit
an inner peace and belief in God
it’s our past, our present, our future
wrapped up in the belly of experience
So many souls departed
And may they all rest in peace
Now Our Angels
And If I Were To Weep?

And If I were to weep?
And if I were to weep
Would my soul break in two?
Or would my heart render itself
Like a weeping willow
Into the depths of sorrow’s murky grasp?
And if I were to weep
Would my tears rise like a swirling mist
and depart as if on the wings of a dove
Into the comforting, soft white arms
Of the clouds?
And if I were to weep
Would I exhaust myself from the frustrations
Of my inner most thoughts, which try to make sense
Of the world I have been thrown into?
And I were to weep
Could it be that I weep for my dearly departed sister?
Looking down on me
Who now sits pain free, the torments of this life
Now cocooned within the waiting arms of God?
Or would the tears I shed be shed for me?
One who has been left behind
to endure and wallow in my own personal pain
not knowing where to turn, until my mind
mad with heartache, steeps itself in the womb of prayer
And if I were to weep
Would my soul break in two?
Or would my heart render itself
Like a weeping willow
Into the depths of sorrow’s murky grasp?
And if I were to weep
Would my tears rise like a swirling mist
and depart as if on the wings of a dove
Into the comforting, soft white arms
Of the clouds?
And if I were to weep
Would I exhaust myself from the frustrations
Of my inner most thoughts, which try to make sense
Of the world I have been thrown into?
And I were to weep
Could it be that I weep for my dearly departed sister?
Looking down on me
Who now sits pain free, the torments of this life
Now cocooned within the waiting arms of God?
Or would the tears I shed be shed for me?
One who has been left behind
to endure and wallow in my own personal pain
not knowing where to turn, until my mind
mad with heartache, steeps itself in the womb of prayer
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