Hello Everyone
“Some people, no matter how old they get,
Never lose their beauty --
They merely move it from their faces
Into their hearts.”
~Martin Buxbaum
The end of another month and we are already half way through the year. Yet, what an amazing year it has been so far, challenging, sometimes tiring yet still amazing. Despite all the negative, painful news we hear in the media, life still goes on for us all and as I personally journey along this path called life, I am ceasing to be amazed by what life throws at me.
Yet, one thing that I have come to realise and which I am beginning to accept as being one of the most important elements of life is the harsh and imminent realisation that we are only here on this earth for a very short time, and that it is time to really begin living our lives as if every moment is our last.
I know I have harped on about this in one of my earlier blogs, but so many crazy things have happened this year alone that I have been left pondering time and time and time again about life in its fullest. The question I have, not only begs to seek out Why are we here? But How Can we Enjoy Our lives to the fullest?
I certainly do not want to be one of those people crying at someone’s graveside having regrets about what I did or did not say, how I should or should not have acted towards them. I have always done this, but I am doing it even more now, especially since my sister died in November 2006 and more recently another friend of breast cancer (April 2007) and that is to tell people how I feel:
v Telling close friends and family members how I feel about them.
v Appreciating and letting them know that I am grateful for them being in my life.
v Appreciating and letting them know how they help to fulfil my life and thanking them for their friendship.
v Making time to meet with them in order to enjoy being with them.
v Even telling them how wonderful they look.
I hug my children every morning, before they leave the house. I have no qualms about complimenting someone I see in the street who looks stunning or who simply has a lovely smile. I have no qualms about telling someone I love them, because you know what, life sometime cheats on us, and have no guarantees about the next second nor minute.
Too many times, we allow ourselves to become trapped in the vortex of self, sometimes shutting ourselves away in eager pursuit of something greater, whatever that may be. Yet I urge you to step away from that journey for a moment, and look around you. Time and life are flying by. People change. Circumstances change. Change is an ever evolving tool of time.
Many people are not privileged to have people around them to love or support them. Many people are in places right now where you would never want to be such as those suffering from an illness or in the midst of a war, a famine, living in fear, living on the poverty line, watching someone die.
There is a saying that “You never know what you’ve got until it’s gone.” This statement is so true, because for many of us, one day we will look up and surface from where we are and realise that we have lost out on so much and there is no getting that treasure back.
Time does not stand still, it never will for us. We just have to roll with it as much as possible and enjoy the rollercoaster on the way up and on the way down.
So on that note, I have learned to love well, to love unconditionally and to open up my spirit, my thoughts, my dreams, my aspirations to the universe and to God. I know He will guide the most wonderful things into my life. Yet, I must be open to receiving that goodness and I must appreciate and be grateful for all that I have and what is to come whilst enjoying what I have for the moment, and making sure I value those that I love, friendships I have and the opportunities that are coming my way.
“Good, the more communicated, more abundant grows.”
John Milton
“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start,
anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.”
~Carl Bard