Welcome Dear Readers
Over the past few months many incredible things have happened to me. Some of these experiences have been wonderful whilst others have been painful. Yet they have all served me a purpose to learn, to evaluate myself, my actions, my interaction with others. Many of these experiences, I could've used to either empower or dis-empower myself remembering always that we always have a choice and everything happens in life for a reason. Therefore I can learn to embrace these experiences more honestly and authentically and look at the lessons I can learn from them or I could harbor them in my heart like a wrench. Remember pain often means growth and is not a bad thing to experience.
I have experienced the most wonderful and dynamic people into my life and continue to do so. People who can stand in their own strength of honesty and authenticity who do not feel threatened by anyone or anything. People who have worked hard on themselves, often facing that mirror of truth and dealing with what they see there. This is not an easy path to ride, for I too have had to face that mirror often. Yet for me, one of the most profound moments of realization as I fulfill and achieve my life’s mission is the space many people share holding the hands of dishonesty and envy and I have had to protect and close my circle tightly, as the universe shifts people out of my space for this reason.
Yet for many who are at the top or working their way there, or who simply have a vision this has been an experience for them as well, yet it serves to propel those of us forward with more determination and tenacity and more importantly, it truly tests our sense of self and our belief in the power of infinite love and when we understand this from the heart and not the head - then we can understand the power of just letting go and leaving these experiences to the universe and God knowing that whatever lessons we all need to learn will be dealt to us.
Over the past four years, I have worked hard on me and in creating my business, trying to clear out the debris within me, in order for the truth and clarity of life to open up within and to me. Yes I have made mistakes, I have often gone around in circles chasing my tail. I have often had to humble myself and apologise for words spoken harshly or inappropriately. Yet I have had to learn to put my hand up and take responsibility for my own actions. Always remembering my favourite quote by Ghandi “Be the Change you want to see in the world.” This therefore empowered me to take responsibility for me, for my actions, for my words, my thoughts and my deeds and in doing so has cleared the way for me to become extremely intuitive, empowering my spirit of discernment to guide me and ultimately protect me from walking blind into situations which would certainly sabotage myself and my efforts on this wonderful journey. I often say that if you speak dishonesty to me, I will know, but this has come from years of me taking my own self apart, and dealing with my own negative stuff, to fully understand who I am from a place of truth.
This spiritual pathway like any other pathway can be treacherous at times. Movement is about progression is it not? Moving from one space in life to another and hopefully that process means moving to a better place. Growth. Often times, we remain in a static place, looking on from the outside of our lives, peering at what other people are doing, pointing the finger at everyone else but ourselves. Often competing against others with the intention to cause pain, allowing anger, resentment, hatred, envy, jealousy to motivate our every move and with these sidekicks as motivation – the ultimate outcome can only be failure. The reality, therefore, is that following this path will only reflect back into your life and the life of your children, family, friends, experiences and this then becomes a perpetuating cycle even a generation cycle.
We are all unique individuals, blessed with unique gifts and talents. We all have the capacity to do, create and be whoever and whatever we want.
My inspiration for my business have been other successful and wonderful individuals. I didn’t see them as competition nor a threat but as inspiration to enable me to follow my dream. My intention and passion has always been to set up something which would touch and empower lives and along the way I have had to make some executive decisions based on what my spirit of discernment revealed to me. Individuals who wanted to be part of my projects and business who presented what they thought an “honest front” yet their spirit were devious with illusions of monetary gain and dishonesty and yes I am open enough to say this publicly.
What must always be mindful in recognising and fully understanding what is our purpose and intention in everything we do. There is a greater source out there, God, the Universe, Buddah whoever is your higher source and what you do behind closed doors that you feel cannot be seen, has already been noted. Learning to be honest and authentic with ourselves first and foremost is hard, but a must. As we learn more about who we are and work on discarding negative entities within us, then whatever we put our hand to can only materialize into the most positive of endeavors. We must be mindful of the intention behind our every action. Remember, our lives reflect our inner spirit and heart so whether we face the outside world with a smile and with dishonest intention in our hearts this will reflect within our lives.
So with this in mind, I sincerely wish you all well. Follow your own path. There is enough room throughout the universe for us all to follow our dreams, to create and be successful. But we must understand our purpose and be mindful of our every intention.
“If we were more aware of our own shadow, we would not fear to look in the mirror”
Esther Austin