Today peeps, I am feeling a little better and I will embrace my mind more with positive thoughts and thinkings. I found myself reading BeliefNet http://www.beliefnet.com last night, an inspirational site of faith, spirituality amongst other things and then I did some meditating.
As I inhaled and Exhaled, focussing my mind on positives - I began to feel better. I also realised that I had to work on myself in order to bring me out of the state I was rapidly heading into. Yet I also realised that I had to take time out for me. Not just a day here and there but a total block of about a week or so.
For me the past two weeks had leapt at me the way they did because I was dwelling on my life too much. I wanted to become absorbed by my grief. I actually wanted to remain in that dark place and sometimes, I realise I will go there. But it's not healthy to remain there. I realise that what I am going through is a process. The process of grieving and I have to learn to just let whatever I feel be. I also have to stop being strong, yet being strong is so many things to different people. Yet I must not and cannot allow myself to wallow for too long, because I could easily slip into the murky depths of despair.
I also am beginning to realise that I have not and am not giving myself time, space to really reflect and heal and to understand what I am feeling. Therefore, I will be taking myself off somewhere soon, somewhere quiet, somewhere where I can get in touch with my soul and just be. Somewhere where if I feel to cry I will cry, or if I feel to sing or to just sit and think, I will.
Therefore, I will leave you with the following, by Dr Maya Angelou:
"I can be changed by what happens to me. but i refuse to be reduced by it.”
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope of the slave, I rise, I rise, I rise.
I so love this because there is so much strength and reassurance in this quote, and it gives me courage to move on and upward.
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