Metro February 19, 2007
“Kidnap Paedophile’s Stairway to Heaven
A paedophile who fantasised about the Soham murders and Belgian serial child killer Marc Dutroux sexually assaulted a young girl in her bed and dragged another off the street, a court heard.
Christopher Iskander, 26, secretly stalked his two victims for 18 months before using a ladder he had labelled his “stairway to heaven” to climb into the bedroom of one girl as she slept.
He carried a sawn-off shotgun marked ‘serial killer’ and climbed naked into the bedroom of a terrified nine year old. He produced a knife and subjected her to appalling abuse.
“While holding the knife in front of her, he said he had been watching her since she moved into the house 18 months ago. He said he liked children but not people of his own age. He then subjected her to various sexual acts, all the time asking her if she was enjoying it.”
Peeps, I am not one to judge and only God can make that judgement and met out the necessary punishment for someone as sadistic, cold, depraved, sick and evil as this man. Yet, I felt compelled to cast my own personal judgement. Yes, I am taking that vote of confidence from my own personal standpoint to have my say. PC I may not be, and for once, I am not bothered, because quite honestly, I am sick and tired of reading such depraved and evil reports such as this one, not to mention anything on child abuse.
So many times, when we read of such sadistic reports of individuals who inflict the most horrific crimes on the young and innocent, we say God will pass judgement. Yet I feel that sometimes, we too need to make a stand. For me, something like this needs to be dealt with in a way where these people need to feel some sort of pain or discomfort at least, for the appalling crimes they have committed against someone’s body, which is a temple of purity and innocence.
This is more than just an act of violence and sick immorality. This is not just an emotional and physical abomination on a young individual; this is not just the scarring of someone’s child, never-mind the reverberating effects it will have on the families concerned, this is something which effects are so appalling that it will ricochet into the depth of society itself. We can see how like a can of worms, cases like this are not only becoming more public knowledge, but are on the increase.
Something like this is more than just one solitary act. It is an abomination not only against these girls, against society and against mankind, but more so against God. Something like this is a reflection of the way society is heading and sadly, and in all actuality, we are at that point now.
We are all products of our environment which affects our lives, who we are at our very core, how we act, what we believe, our core values and beliefs. We are all a matter of circular events which unless the chain is broken will continue from generation to generation, whether that be generations full of curses or generations who are blessed with good luck or just blessed, whichever way the pendulum swings, we are products of our environments.
Somewhere along the line, this man suffered some sort of upheaval and deprivation in his life. Somewhere along the way, this man conceived his warped sense of reality and perception of life, of who he is as an individual. Somewhere along the way, this man lost all sense of who he was on a spiritual level. Somewhere along the way this man lost it………
Yet wherever he is coming from, what he did was more than just wrong and words cannot even conjure up what I really feel about this…may I even say creature.
For me, there is only one course of action. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. I will not further elaborate. But research has shown that individuals like this can never really be “healed” so to speak and most often go on to commit the same heinous crimes after a period of so called rehabilitation, time after time. Many often say they cannot help themselves. But you know what, it’s time to speak out about a lot of things. It’s time for the wall of silence and inactivity to be broken. Children are suffering horrendously from all directions of society, and peeps, I’m concerned because I have two boys and I wont tell a lie, but if anyone, ever troubled my children in this way…..then I’m going to prison – that’s all I will say.
We all need to get back to ground roots – God. Our Spirituality, OUR FAITH, HAVING FAITH. Seriously. There’s a crisis in the homeland, peeps, our children are not safe anywhere, even from there own.
For further reading, if you must, Check out:
This is not a subject I would presume many will want to research and undoubtedly, I don’t blame you. But if curiosity gets the better of you to try to understand WHY? Then the above sites may just give you that answer.
this is sick
Good post.
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