Hello Peeps
“Believe nothing just because a so-called wise person said it. Believe nothing just because a belief is generally held. Believe nothing just because it is said in ancient books. Believe nothing just because it is said to be of divine origin. Believe nothing just because someone else believes it. Believe only what you yourself test and judge to be true. [paraphrased]” Buddha
“We are what we think” Buddha
“Believe nothing just because a so-called wise person said it. Believe nothing just because a belief is generally held. Believe nothing just because it is said in ancient books. Believe nothing just because it is said to be of divine origin. Believe nothing just because someone else believes it. Believe only what you yourself test and judge to be true. [paraphrased]” Buddha
“We are what we think” Buddha
“If you think you can you can. If you think you can’t you are right” Mark Twain
For me, the above conjures up a wealth of thoughts. Often times I like to go off into my own little world and just think, analyse and reflect on life. For me it is important to gain a perspective on life, to gain an insight of how we do things, why we do things and why things happen. Life is a myriad of experiences and our emotions can be catapulted from one dimension to another within the span of even a few seconds and by circumstances that we are never quite ready for. Yet it is also a journey of sort and a learning curve.
Other times, life has a really interesting way of just “being” or “Happening”. The unexpected can happen, people, things, circumstances which we had previously closed a door on, given up on or even forgotten can somehow miraculously materialise and remain a part of our lives forever. So I am now learning to accept that whatever will be will be and rather than trying to force my own agenda on life because I am scared of letting go, I am learning to have confidence and faith in my intuition. I have also found that now that I am a practising life coach, and having attended a range of personal development courses from Emotional Intelligence to NLP and immersed myself in a plethora of personal development material, I am so much more aware of how life really works at its core and also of the plethora of techniques and tools on hand to help make life’s journey that much easier.
For me, life is a constant learning curve. An ever revolving and evolving door. Evolution of time, of being, of person – constantly changing and moving on. The question here then is? Are we always prepared and ready for such change and what are the factors that can hinder us? Life and the universe will always continue to move forward, yet many times, we, as human beings (as human nature goes) often remain stagnant, static and unchanging. Fear, tending to sit in the background, hindering us, it’s small voice constantly challenging our need and desire to become fulfilled, to attain self-actualisation, the progressive medium of all things to where life for us can be just that little bit happier, fulfilled and content.
This therefore brings me back to the above quotes in terms of what we believe and what we think about. Beliefs are assumed truths. They are not facts. They are pieces of information fed to us over the years from birth by various people, from our parents, teachers to friends and of which we have internalised. Yet, sometimes along life’s journey we get to a place where our beliefs no longer work for us and these are times, when we need to challenge them, unpick them and realign them with new positive beliefs.
Our thoughts, beliefs and what we verbalise literally transcend into our lives in a very real way. Many people do not realise the crucial importance of the words and thoughts which they feed into their lives, their environment and their destiny. I believe the following quote certainly says it all: “Be careful what you ask for, you might just get it”.
The above therefore ties in with this saying “We are what we think all day long” (Buddah). Beautiful don’t you think in the context of liberating our minds from the shackles of negative mindsets and warped beliefs. Yet sometimes, we are not even aware of these limited beliefs and mindsets, and how they play a pivotal role in our lives. Yet once the revelation and awareness of these beliefs occurs within our consciousness, and once we realise the importance of working to change those limiting beliefs then the world can certainly be our oyster and as a personal life coach, it certainly is challenging yet interesting working with clients on unravelling limiting belief systems. Yet the beauty also is that once worked upon putting them back together in different yet positive dimensions is truly inspiring.
Over the past few weeks I have been forced to do more soul searching as my spirit has become restless again. This restlessness I now realise keeps surfacing because I am not being true to who I really am and who I really want to be. Also I realise that in a small way I am fearful of the greatness within me and so in small ways, I try to sabotage or procrastinate about things. The Poem called “Fear” by Marianne Williamson which you can view on another page of my blog sums up this fear. It is also because I have discovered that I am limiting myself in a small way which is hindering a major part of me that wants to be free to just “be”. Sometimes, I find I have a tendency to hide behind a mask of rigidity. This restlessness, I believe, is because at my very core, the very seed of who I am, is still being denied that opportunity to surface and rise because of my own battle with fear. Therefore, as a result I believe that I am not operating at my fullest capacity in terms of what I could really achieve. You may well state, “But you are a personal life coach, you should have all the answers.” Well, even a life coach needs a life coach.
After some soul searching I realised that a few of my old beliefs were still playing hide and seek with me, causing fear to try to sabotage the very foundation upon which I was building a very successful business but more importantly, trying to sabotage the incredibly large amount of holistic work I had done on myself. My own personal development was suddenly under threat. Yet the more this realisation dawned on me the more determined I became to continue to change my life by working on these limiting beliefs and one way to help me along this road was for me to get my own personal life coach to help support me on this journey. Being my own personal guinea pig was also a learning curve for me, in terms of honing my skills and bringing about an awareness of this subject, which would be very useful when dealing with clients.
The inner me is very much a risk-taker. A passionate, spontaneous human being. Someone not wanting to be tied to the conventional, nor the status quo. Someone who has a very free spirit and who wants to roam, explore, experiment and enjoy life at its maximum. I know that my spirit will guide me and keep me within the limitless boundaries that life dictates, so I know I will not venture into anything that could be catastrophic. Yet I must change some of my beliefs in order to move forward. I must start to unpick them one by one and replace them with more positives.
So once again I have decided to further this journey of self-discovery, which I personally find is a wonderful experience. It is a must and one that I know will reap even better benefits. Having a life coach along the way is a tremendous bonus not only for my own personal growth but for the experience of being on the other side of the table. Also I have just become a Personal Life Coach and to me, my own personal journey has enriched what I can personally give back to my clients.
I share the above with you all, because of this incredibly wonderful, interesting yet sometimes challenging journey called life – the will to help and empower others is certainly a goal worth reaching for and something about which I am totally passionate about. I have coached six people now and the feeling of satisfaction is empowering. To be in a position to watch people’s lives transform. To be part of their journey. To be in a position where confusion, uncertainty and despair is turned into a gleaming smile and where hope finally surfaces makes my journey as a new life coach all the more exciting, poignant and important.
And on that note, I embrace this very intrepid yet satisfactory journey as I join the army of Personal Life Coaches who are changing and transforming lives and I believe this all ties in quite nicely with my own personal strap line:
Aspire to Inspire – Dare to Dream
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