Greetings All
The Power of Love
Celine Dion
All I Want To Do Is Make Love To You
Touch Me In the Morning
Diana Ross
Love songs encapsulate what we all at some point in our lives have felt in our hearts. They capture the experiences of us all in some form or another, whether it be the joy of being in love or the pain of a failed relationship.
Love songs are sung from a depth which many of us may never experience. These are songs experienced by the artists themselves who hope that in the sharing of their experiences, they can capture the imagination, hearts and loyalty of their audiences. The beauty here is that we then engage with these artists, there becomes that need to relate, to be part of their world, to share in what they are feeling and in the messages they are sending out. Therefore, in this prized place of being able to relate, we feel we are part of something bigger.
These are people who rule our world not only through their songs and lyrics, but also through the power of their music. The dynamics of love songs are profound in that they are simply in their simplicity, profoundly dynamic. They chart our journey through life, they hone in on our most intimate experiences and maybe fantasises and longings. Yet so many songs are more about the pain of love, of losing someone, of being betrayed. So therefore, does this lead us to the conclusion that often times, this perfect love, this wonderful sensation that makes our senses go wild causing us to loose touch with the here and now, sending us into the subliminal stratosphere of “lovey dovey land” where all things are just simply wonderful, yet the reality being that this is all surface stuff?
I say surface because often times, we are not true to our partners, friends, relatives because we are not true to ourselves. We experience love on a surface level and cannot have really intimate and wonderfully wholeseome relationships because we do not know who we are on an intimate and even sensual level. Friendships are courted on the periphery of materialistic and surface projections. We smile with each other and communicate with each other, yet on the other side, we hold back, not fully trusting ourselves to explore, to be truly open, to be who we really are thereby denying what we could truly have and receive. We are not being representative of truth.
Taking this all a step further, I now ask you, what is love aside from the dynamics of being in a relationship with all its complexities and varying levels of being in love, falling out of love and just being loved? And to add fire to the debate, are we really taking about love? Or is this juxtaposition of the flutter of heart with sweet talk really just light banter because the word “love” is really just a dressed up noun for sexual and frivolous alliance, which hold no profoundness or depth, and where it has become so trivialised that we actually no longer know or understand its true meaning and worth? And therefore, is this not down to something more significant?
What do I mean by this?
Aside from the relationship type of love, how many of us actually know how to love ourselves in the first instance? We all want to be loved, we all love sharing and caring and being cared and nurtured for. Love is an all encompassing wonderful thing to have and feel. Yet often times, we serve others with this treasured gift, we continue to give and offload this wonderful wealth of something that is truly all encompassing and God given yet how often do we feel neglected, empty and void within our own spirits? This then leads to many of us wearing masks, acting out life on a surface arena. In neglecting ourselves, by not loving ourselves we become shadows of who we really are and this manifests itself in how we then perceive the outside world, and our expectations from life are lowered or even diminished. Our dreams become a fleeting and fading phenomena and we live life as one without purpose and vision.
It’s time for us to truly realise and believe that we all need to love ourselves completely and unconditionally. It is only then that we can truly effect the world with what will then exude from us a wonderfully positive feeling of satisfaction and wholeness that loving ourselves brings.
I am not talking about vanity or the pampering of our egos but the nurturing of our very own selves, our souls and our spirits. Learning to love oneself then gives us a wonderful empowerment that centres us and stabilises us at our very core, enhancing who we are as unique individuals. We then become incredible human beings with wonderful potential not only to excel and achieve on a materialistic and successful level but more importantly on a spiritual and intimate level. We then can enjoy and appreciate life in a totally new and fulfilling realm.
Only then will we be able to make our mark on the world. No journey is and without its challenges. Yet the journey to self-love and appreciation is one that I would encourage many of you to find and follow.
I would also suggest, and I am sure many of you may not welcome this, but for one moment, step outside of your belief, your religion and yourself and look at WHO you really are. Take a good long look in that mirror and face what is reflected back at you. Yes God loves us and many of us live for him and the purpose he has put for us in our lives. Yet, sometimes, we use religion and our belief as cloaks to hide behind, as excuses. We sit in church week in week out, listening to the word, being empowered by the word, yet one we step outside into the “world” we let the arms of fear inhibit us immobilising us, causing us to live a life of complacency and mediocrity and all those negatives such as self-doubt, intolerance, negative talk, negative self-talk come running back to sit on our shoulders like sentries. So for once in your life, if you feel the desire to, try to strip away that mask and look deep into your soul to discover who you really are and what you really want out of life. Do a detox to not only cleanse yourself but also to find out the beautiful person you could be and then start your journey towards being that person and enjoy a totally new lease of life whilst also enjoying and experiencing relationships on a new plateau.
“Learning To Love Yourself
Most of you have probably heard Whitney Houston sing the words "learning to love yourself, it is the greatest love of all," and so it is. I believe it is what all of us need, yet it's what so few of us truly have. How is it that we don’t love ourselves--and how do we learn to love ourselves? “
Further reading on this can be found on http://www.4therapy.com/consumer/life_topics/article/6713/489/Learning+To+Love+Yourself
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