“Laughter attracts joy, releases negativity and leads to miraculous cures”
Quote taken from The Secret
I have been reading The Secret. If anyone is really interesting in things like The Law of Attraction which is about attracting into your life whatever it is you want, then this is the book/dvd to get, as well as delving into the Bible where many of the principles from the Secret originate.
I so believe in the above statement. Laughter is truly a healer and a therapeutic ally at the best of times. Yet so many of us cannot even find it within ourselves to smile never mind laugh anymore. We have allowed ourselves to become caught up in the whirlpool of life. Always striving mentally and physically towards the next moment, never quite allowing ourselves to enjoy the present, the here and now. Many are not allowing ourselves the pleasure of just being, and taking time out from the slog of life to enjoy, even to do silly childish things.
I now teach Personal Development workshops to adults and as part of my sessions, I always incorporate a fun event which is usually an activity which we used to play as children. A favourite is the egg and spoon race. On these occasions my groups always have an enormous amount of fun. One piece of feedback that I always receive is that many people hadn’t done such activities since primary school and how much fun it was. It is always so good to see grown up women laughing and falling about themselves in hysterics as they drop the egg or go off balance. Yet life is about being, about exploring about stepping outside of the status quo and that rigid little box that keeps many of us hemmed in. Life is about being free to express ourselves in laughter and song. So below are some of the benefits of laughter which I have found.
1. When you make fun of yourself, you dis-empower those who would make fun of you and disarm possible confrontations.
2. Laughter dissolves tension, stress, anxiety, irritation, anger, grief, and depression. Like crying, laughter lowers inhibitions, allowing the release of pent-up emotions. After a hearty bout of laughter, you will experience a sense of well-being. Simply put, he who laughs, lasts. After all, if you can laugh at it, you can live with it. Remember, a person without a sense of humour is like a car without shock absorbers.
3. Medical researches have found that laughter boosts the immune system. The study of how behaviour and the brain affect the immune system is called psychoneuroimmunology. Though still in its infancy, this science is rapidly gaining much attention as mankind strives to understand the mind-body relationship.
4. Laughter reduces pain by releasing endorphins that are more potent than equivalent amounts of morphine.
5. Humor helps integrate both hemispheres of our brain, for the left hemisphere is used to decipher the verbal content of a joke while the right hemisphere interprets whether it is funny or not.
6. Laughter adds spice to life; it is to life what salt is to a hard-boiled egg.
7. Develop your sense of humour and you will find you are more productive, a better communicator, and a superior team player.
8. Everyone loves someone who can make them laugh. The more you share your sense of humour, the more friends you will have.
9. Humour brings the balance we need to get through the turbulence of life comfortably.
10. Laughter is even equivalent to a small amount of exercise. It massages all the organs of the body, according to Dr. James Walsh.
11. A sense of humour can help you accept the inevitable, rise to any challenge, handle the unexpected with ease, and come out of any difficulty smiling.
“Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?”
George Carlin
“When you become senile, you won't know it.”
Bill Cosby
"Did you ever see the customers in health-food stores? They are pale, skinny people who look half dead. In a steak house, you see robust, ruddy people. They're dying, of course, but they look terrific.”
Bill Cosby
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