Dear All
Today I would like to speak about something that I feel is extremely important, something which I have touched upon on several occasions actually. But this message is more for those who purport to be leaders, spiritual gurus, empowering and inspiring the lives of others. The message here today is simply this – we need to be real and authentic about who we are. Because if we do not allow ourselves to get this right, the universe and God will shift something very dynamic and powerful into place to put us back in alignment, an din this process our pain will be great.
For those of us who stand on a platform empowering , reaching out to others, healing, playing the host of all that is honorable and authentic with all the bolshy ‘empowerment talk’ whilst in their heart of hearts whether unconsciously or consciously hold the devil’s pitch fork in their hands, smiling. Remember in that smile the whiteness and witness of your soul will reflect back against that pitchfork and in that moment you will see your reflection shining back at you. Whether you like what is there or not, will depend upon how authentic you really are otherwise taking time out to deal with what is reflected back could be a good idea? I have had to do this many times otherwise, I would not be who I am today and believe me at times, it’s been painful.
Remember: We are energy, we are touching peoples lives, energy transmits, transforms – can we, as leaders, movers and shakers allow ourselves to hinder someone else’s growth by deeds which do not serve the greater good of mankind?
There can only be one truth about this whole empowerment game, that if we are not in alignment with our true selves, it makes no difference whether we are well-known, renown, celebrity, old school, new school, has been, soon-to-be, if we are not in alignment with our true self and not in a position to deal with issues and negative feelings such as:
Begrudging someone else for what they have;
Feeling the need to compete;
Feeling resentful for what someone else has created or has;
(Remember the 10 Commandments)
then we need to stand down NOW, face that side of us we may not be so appealing but yet which is REAL, accept those feelings, acquaint ourselves with those feelings, work through these feelings and then heal them and then stand in our power of integrity and say this is where I was, but I did something about it and now look at where I am. Simple, real. It is in our honesty that we can see the beauty in our weaknesses and work to give them strength through healing. Yet also the beauty of how energy operates – always back to you, whatever you think about becomes your reality.
If we allow ourselves to truly humble our carcasses and allow our God, the universe to work through us, then there CAN NEVER BE any room for any negative thought nor deed to inhabit our lives and if they do then we have to deal with it.
This journey of self-development is NOT A GAME. We cannot hide behind the mask of an organization regardless of global status, or behind our Leaders no matter how huge or dynamic he or she is in the world, or behind words which speak of ‘love, peace, joy, harmony, TRUTH, inspiration and empowerment’ because if the truth be told, those in positions of leadership have a responsibility to themselves first and foremost to clean up the inside of the self, to work on the self and in that space to honor yourself. Yet more importantly you start to honour mankind as well. Being human, there will obviously be times when negative feelings will surface and that’s ok because it is all part of life’s learning but the beauty is in being open to recognize the feeling, accept the feeling and heal it as soon as is possible.
There used to be a saying in the old westerns that ‘white man speak with forked tongue.’ This message was often delivered by an Indian who had stood for as long as it took, just observing, standing in his own space of authenticity and honesty, quietly observing not just what was said verbally but observing body language, movement, even thoughts, actions and most of all man’s presence and spirit. Much can be discerned by presence alone and remember Truth always knows.
We fool ourselves often trying to present what we are not. We fall into the trap of wearing a mask and thinking that by smiling in someone’s face that smile will blind another to a reality which many would want to remain hidden. Let’s get real people, it doesn’t work.
If we truly understand the power of love, if we truly respected the power of love, but if we truly respected that within this privileged role of touching people’s lives whether through our words, hands, books – whatever we are transmitting energy, and we must be as pure as possible. Love gives and does not take away and how can you truly give as a leader, mover and shaker if you do not have all that is required inside.
And lets not keep things twisted any longer neither. Because someone tells you you are wonderful, dynamic, the best leader since Ghandi, do take pride in honoring that because you are all these wonderful things. Yet don’t let someone else’s words blind you to what may be simmering below. Be careful not to use these expressions of compliments to create a veil over what You know you truly need to do. If there is healing that needs to take place, heal. It’s not a bad thing, its not a negative, it just is, its present, its real and therefore needs to be addressed.
The reality, if you are not in authentic space and are not fully honoring you… please stand off your platform for a while and adjust that little man or woman on your shoulder called ego, speak to it, send it love and then put it back in the box where it belongs and then be strong and bold enough to get back on that platform.
Others will respect you more for this - because being able to face who you truly are in that mirror of truth is one of the hardest things anyone can do. I know, I have been there many times myself but the beautiful of life is that you can always start afresh from that moment on and when you do stand on that platform, you can say with integrity that yes, I used to be there, I used to do those things, but I have worked hard on myself and allowed God to work through me and here I am today.
“If we were more aware of our own shadow, we would not be afraid to look in the mirror’
Esther Austin
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