It has been a while, has it not since I have put pen to paper on this page. Often times over the past few months, much has come to me. Yet I have denied myself the opportunity to translate from mind to paper my thoughts as I have allowed other daily pressures to overwhelm me, thereby silencing the flow of words into the abyss of stagnation.
Yet many months down the line, here I am riding the waves of life in the boat of contentedness feeling a sense of anticipation, expectation at what I know will manifest in my life this year.
My journey has been incredible to say the least and the beauty of this journey is that I am always learning, constantly trying to understand myself during this process. My mission down here is to serve humanity and I am enjoying this role so much. Yet in order to serve well, I have had to learn to love well, to open my heart to compassion’s lure even more fully and to embrace everything that I experience from that place of love. It’s not always been easy emotionally for me to let go of emotions which were negative and at times a struggle yet this lesson serves me well.
How ,you might wonder have I got to such a place? It has certainly not been an easy journey and there have been times when I have been left wondering, will I do this whole journey on my own? The saying that people come into our lives for a reason and a season has certainly served me many lessons. The main lesson for me was in the letting go of certain people within my circle, for whatever reason, knowing it was for the best and that I should learn to do this in love. Not in anger nor resentment (and believe me there were times when because of my own expectations, I wanted to do get angry - but the new me would not let me) – yet the learning for me was that it was ok to let them go and more importantly it was time to let them go because certain friendships no longer served a purpose.
Sometimes some were severed in not-so-comfortable nor amicable ways and I had to learn to deal with all this from a place of love. I even had to question on occasion, the way I handled the separation in terms of whether I had done this from a place of judgment. What I now find about myself is that it becomes easier to look in my mirror or truth and deal with my faults, because I have learned to love myself and love both sides of me. Therefore when I need to deal with anything which I would otherwise sweep under the carpet, I can face them boldly.
So why I am still riding the waves? Because the beauty of this spiritual walk is learning to walk my talk. Constantly trying to be mindful of who I am and what I am. Of my thoughts, words, deeds and action. The more I understand myself, is the more that I can experience life in its abundance and in a more peaceful and calm way. Therefore the truer I am to me means I am more able to serve humanity from a place of honesty, integrity, truth and wholesomeness.
Sounds like spiritual waffle? Well it’s not because like Mahatma Ghandi once said ‘Be the change you want to see in the world’ and the more we focus on the self, on ‘US’ and take our focus off others and excuses is the more that our lives can shift and transform into a more comfortable space and that place is a wonderful place of awakening.
Riding the waves is for me, at this moment in time, is the manifestation of everything my soul has ever desired from the universe. Riding the waves is that after years and years of trials and challenges, of building my business, which I know were put into place to test and strengthen me, it seems (fingers crossed) that I have at this moment in time, passed the test and now it is time for me to reap my abundance and for this I am eternally grateful.
Remember: Success if 1% Inspiration and 99% Perspiration
Yet for me the beauty of riding the waves is in just BEING me. It is in doing the work I do, following my dreams and realizing them and loving every moment of this creative and fulfilling process. Through serving others, empowering and transforming lives, yet this is only because I have allowed myself to be the channel for this vocation 100% and have accepted the role I have to play.
So yes, I am back here with you all after a few months, surfing and riding the most beautiful of waves and waiting for them to crash to shore where I will leap off to dart into another of life’s wonderful adventures creating more magic in my life and other peoples lives and its GREAT.
So my motto to you is: ‘If I can do it, So Can You’
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