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02 October 2007

How do I want to be Loved?

In order to love well and unconditionally, one must be true to oneself
So that this love can come from the well of
Pure and unadulterated abundance of giving
It has been said that the deeper we love, the more likely we are to be hurt
deeply –
But indeed I would rather love deeply and with an intensity
(Than to never love at all)
That I would feel as if my heart would burst
And where I am filled by something more than just
The sweet gurgle and gushing of love’s drama
and engaging in the flutter of the heart and eyes
Love to me is so much more

And I would rather never love at all
If only I were to be held in the momentary comfort of someone’s arms
Whose only quest is sexual gratification and a couple of
Empty phone calls whenever the mood suits
For me, love and all it’s wonderful accomplices
Such as lust, desire, a spiritual and sexual union
Companionship, friendship, intimacy - soul-mates on a journey
Of togetherness
are all to be revered and treasured and guarded most preciously
that’s what I want for my love

Presently, many of us are not all that we seem to be

Presently, many of us are not all that we seem to be
Caught up amid life’s copious complexities
We become shrouded like treacherous dark green algae
Which in a clear blue pond which simmers with the
basics of goodness
can often become hidden beneath the algae’s weight
Covering up the simple yet wonderful basics qualities
of life’s wonderful and abundant basket

Presently, therefore, we are certainly not all
That we seem to be
We often front life, like the cover on a book
Skimming the surface of time’s precious moments
Wearers of masks, not in celebration or jest or play
But masquerading as entities, otherwise not
Recognised by those around us
And often, in times of depth of thought,
We too, fail to recognise even our own shadow
Constantly hiding and submerging our true identities
Into the murky depths of that dark, green algae

Yet in order for the awareness of who we are to begin
We must first address the issue of recognition and
The awareness that we are indeed, hiding from our own selves
And the need to stand firm and tall and look into the mirror of our lives
Honestly, bravely, sometimes even fearfully
Can only lead us, further away from the superficial
taking us into the comforting and liberating
Tunnel of truth and light, where we can indulge in the
Knowledge that we need not to hide anymore
And therefore embark on a journey of true self-discovery

For the journey of life
Is an amazing kaleidoscope
Of the good and the bad, achievements and challenges
Yet, along the way, there will be times
When we will be faced with the task
Of looking inward, and sometimes looking outward
Yet the beauty of life’s challenges is that
We can always do something about our circumstances
For privileges that are afforded to us are
That we have the liberty to
Change, to renew and grow

So if you must face that mirror
Face it with a dignity and pride
In the knowing that for you
A positive change will come

Esther AustinĂ£ All Rights Reserved 2 October 2007

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