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16 December 2006

Leone Well Done - You Too Can Be A Success

Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,I am the dream and the hope of the slave.I riseI riseI rise. "Maya Angelou"

Ladies and gents

Leone finally did it.
Just watching her gave me a great feeling of achievement and elation.

She has proved those wrong who said a woman, never mind a black woman would never make it on the X-Factor. But for me watching her perform and getting a sense of her character and her wonderful talent, never mind being a beautiful woman has made me even more determined to continue this journey of mine to do what I feel in my heart I must do.

Events of late in my life, may have forced some to pull back from life, but for me it has spurred me on in a more determined state. Maybe it’s that I need to be kept busy – keeping my mind focussed, not giving me much time to think. But, just seeing Leone win tonight gave me a feeling of tremendous achievement and for me 2007 can only be the year when the icing on the cake is delivered. Peeps, it’s about finding what you are passionate about, it’s about the passion, the hard work, the delivery.

I wish you all the very best in whatever you choose to do with your life. I wish you all will find whatever it is that you want to do and pursue it with the same humbleness and passion that Leone has done.

Remember, there are tools, strategies and courses out there to help you to get to wherever you want to get to. Find them and run with your dream so bad that you begin to live it.

Well done Leone - you will certainly take the world by storm.

“If You Don’t Create Your Reality, Your Reality Will Create You.”
Lizzie West, Singer/Songwriter 1973

10 December 2006

"You Must be the Change you Want to See in the World"

"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will."
"You must be the change you want to see in the world."
Mahatma Gandhi
Hi peeps

Another week, and as time moves rapidly on from the events of last week, I have been feeling a deep pain in the pit of my stomach, so much so that I can't even cry and I relieve this just by saying "Oh Father."

Time also seems to be keeping me in a rather surreal place. It seems so wrong at times, to be going on with ones life, laughing at times, enjoying moments yet my sister is now not part of that and for that alone, I do feel a little guilty that I still have the priviledge of being alive. But I must not dwell on what if's and why's but I must focuss on making sure that I live life to the best of my ability enjoying and savouring each moment as if it will be my last. I will endeavour to enjoy the simplicities of life and its experiences, which are lessons in themselves, yet which also encourage the premium of what life is really about - memories.

That much I can do in honour of my sister and her spirit, so at least she knows, that I can still laugh with her, if not in physical presence, but in the spirit sense. She watches me I am sure and would scold me if I were to launch myself into a depressive, miserable state.

So this week sees me moving forward and upward. My aim to achieve and excel has been heightened by my experience over the past year. God has certainly moulded me into a much stronger individual and for that I know I have grown, I know I am much stronger and I know what I must do. On that note peeps have a great week and maybe it's time for reflection before the New Year heads in to see if where you are at with your life, is really where you want to be or is it time for change? There is information in my next post about several avenues you could look at if change is to be part of your programme for 2007.

Mahatma Gandhi

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