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17 July 2008

The Greatest Gifts are within us - and they are free

What is the true value of life if we do not have some simple and basic elements which make life complete. The joy of love, appreciation and gratitude is something which many fail to understand and utilize in their lives.

These are basic and simple gifts which we all have access to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. These are wonderful gifts "which have no material value, yet their worth is more than silver and gold and their impact in and on our lives and those around us is more than can ever be counted.

These are the gifts which make us truly rich, because whether we are rich or poor in monetary and materialistic gains the ultimate test of the value we put on our lives is can we still access, understand and enjoy the above gifts only when we have it all, or can we still be in a place of contentment when the chips are down as well.

There are many more beautiful gifts available to each and everyone of us. It has been said that when things are free we fail to see the significance and importance in their value. For many of the beautiful things that we have access to freely, gifts which are within us, carved not by sweat, toil and tears but from the womb of unconditional and the purity or love, many of us do not recognize nor appreciate.

Everything we need to enjoy the basics of life is at our fingertips. Everything, that is, that will allow our souls to find contentment, peace, joy and love. If we do not have these elements within ourselves first, how then can we expect to find this in another person and our lives as a whole. Yet with everything in life, it is about acknowledging and recognizing what is before us and how we use these resources and more profoundly, it is about the recognition of the self. Once we get to know who we really are, then we can access all that is ready for us, embrace these gifts then share them as they were intended to be used.

I have just started to read "I Can Make You Rich" by Paul McKenna and I would like to leave you with a few quotes from that book which to me really put things into perspective:

"All wealth is created in the mind."

"The difference between the rich and the poor is that the rich have learned to recognize the value of their thoughts."

"because, as you will soon realise, being rich isn't just about you - it's about how you impact the world around you and the legacy you leave behind"

There is also a wonderful quote by Steve Forbes, billionaire publisher who says:

"The real source of wealth and capital in this new era is not material tings. It is the human mind, the human spirit, the human imagination and our faith in the future."

So take some time today to think about what is really important not only to you, but to those around you and how you personally make an impact on the world. With the above gifts at your fingertips - you can only but go from strength to strength and be a dynamic and positive force in someone's life.

Scotland October 2008 Slideshow - Leadership and Youth Training Week

Poetry In Motion - Books for Reflection, Soul Searching and Thought

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