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21 March 2008

Without a Vision Who are we?

Hello once again my good people

The past few weeks have been an incredible time. My journey as it surpasses many stages and walks many experiences has been incredible or even I may say awesome. Opportunities have presented themselves before me like never before and as my workload gathers pace and intensifies, I can feel it in my heart and spirit that my breakthrough is just around the corner. I know I am just on the periphery of breaking through.

My decision, 2 years ago to step out of the 9-5 was for me the best decision ever. I chose to follow my heart to pursue my dreams. Yes, there have been many challenges, yet it has been through these experiences that I have been moulded which have delivered the person I am now. They say that “Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration” and that is a truth that only those who have chosen to walk this road, can identify with.

I often say I work a 28 hour, 9 day week – yet what is so great about this path is that I absolutely enjoy what I do. I am passionate about what I do, I love what I do, I can see the bigger vision of what I do, I create the events of my day, I manage my own diary. For me there can be no better freedom than that of working for myself and creating an empire out of my own personal dreams.

When Dr Martin Luther King said “I have a dream” he didn’t just sit on it and moan and complain about the circumstances that surrounded him. The so called establishment at the time, did not care much for a man who was galvanising a people to fight for freedom and equality, and everyday he knew he would face threats and come up against incredible barriers. Yet what did Dr King have which also enabled many other great people to grace the history books of time? He had a dream and more importantly he had a vision.

Without a vision there is nothing to aspire to. Without a vision there is no beginning nor ending. Without a vision man cannot feed his spirit nor soul, because everything then becomes worthless, and life a constant treadmill – a staircase to heaven yet leading no-where. What this means is that the possibilities are there for each and every one of us, if we so want it, to go beyond the stars reaching for greater and better heights, yet often times the power of complacency and the grip of fear keeps us sedated in the here and now.

I started my first empowerment show called InspireMe on www.playvybz.com on Tuesday 18th March 2008. For me this was another chance to step outside my comfort zone, to see what other skills were laying dormant within me and to apply myself. I really enjoyed imparting my knowledge once again through another medium and for me now, I have given myself the challenge to see how far I can really go and what other avenues I can tap into.

People, the world is your oyster and we should scan the treasures of the great ocean of time, to find our fill and find out what we have to offer the world. Some of you are probably content to be where you are at and that is absolutely fine. Yet for those who strive for something more and need support in getting there, believe that you will find the resources around you to help you reach there. This is another favourite poem by Langston Hughes which I think sums up everything:

Dreams Deferred

What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
Like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore--
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?

Langston Hughes

Today I find myself Reflecting on Past Times

Today I find myself
Reflecting on past times
And the journey which I have just trod
I reflect on the experience
which have moulded me
and shaped my destiny
my thoughts, rivers which run
into the whole of me
powering the momentum of action
creating, breathing life into
the person who represents me
which identifies me as who I am
I am who I am at this moment in time

Today I find myself
On a spiritual ladder of contentment
Where I am easily guided into the
Moment of truth
No longer afraid to face my reflection
No longer afraid to look into my eyes and
Into the windows of my inner soul
I am revealed on many levels
Because truth imparts itself within and without of me
I am the mirror of who I am
I am the inner of who I am
I am the outer of who I am
I can no longer hide dark secrets about me
Because the conviction of my spirit which encapsulates my soul
Will not allow me to be inauthentic

Today I find myself
In a place where I have conquered many things
Yet still I strive for the betterment of myself
Yet still I rise, into the clouds of understanding
Continuously evaluating who I am
And what I stand for
What representation to others do I offer?
From what perspective do I live my life
And am I truly honouring and respecting who I am?
So that this be reflective of my life around me?

Today I find myself
Nodding the sentiments of the Great Ghandi
When he quoted:
“Be the change you want to see in the world”
For only in doing so, only in taking
Responsibility for ones own choices and decisions made
Can we truly find the contentment that awaits us
Just around the corner

So tomorrow I will find myself
Pondering on the actions of my yesterday
And realising that the continual striving
And journey of the self, has not yet begun

Esther Austin©All Rights Reserved 21st March 2008

Scotland October 2008 Slideshow - Leadership and Youth Training Week

Poetry In Motion - Books for Reflection, Soul Searching and Thought

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